Graduate student Anthony Maue successfully defended his doctoral dissertation on July, 7, 2022, titled: Field data analysis, laboratory experimentation, and mapping Cassini radar images to characterize fluvial sediments on Titan. Tony’s study of planetary geology has focused on the fluvial activity on the icy surface of Saturn’s largest moon, Titan. He used flyby radar data…
Category: News
Tanisha Chinchkhede selected for Interns-to-Scholars program
Undergraduate researcher Tashina Chinchkhede has been selected for the NAU Interns-to-Scholars program. This program aims to expose undergraduates to research, stimulate intellectual inquiry, and develop the intern’s skills in their specific discipline. Tashina’s project will involve mapping and analysis of the thermal inertia of sand deposits on Mars using JMARS.
Rachel Fry receives NAU/NASA Space Grant
Undergraduate researcher Rachel Fry has received funding from the NAU/NASA Space Grant to work as an Undergraduate Research Intern for the 2022-2023 academic year. Working with graduate student Anna Baker and Professor Devon Burr, her project will focus on simulating the comminution of sand during aeolian transport on Mars. This project will culminate in a…
Eleanor Serviss starting M.S. in Geoscience at University of Montana
This fall, former NAU REU student Eleanor Serviss will begin a two-year Masters program in Geoscience at the University of Montana in Missoula. At UM, Eleanor will be advised by Professor Hilary Martens to do work on seismology and solid tides, with the goal of studying planetary formation and evolution. Eleanor worked with graduate student…
Jake Draper & Adriana Olvera present at NAU Undergraduate Research Symposium
Today, undergraduate researchers Jake Draper & Adriana Olvera gave poster presentations to the NAU community at the Undergraduate Research Symposium at the High Country Conference Center in Flagstaff, AZ, outlining progress on their research projects. Jake has been working with graduate student Tony Maue analyzing field data and geologic maps of alluvial fans in Death…
New paper on the origin of dark Martian sand
Professor Devon Burr has a new paper accepted in Geology titled An explosive volcanic origin identified for dark sand in Aeolis Dorsa, Mars. Co-authors include Christina E. Viviano (JHU/APL), Timothy I. Michaels (SETI), and former graduate students Matthew Chojnacki (PSI) and Robert E. Jacobsen (UTK). This paper will soon be available online at DOI: 10.1130/G49814.1….
New paper shares findings from the Titan Tumbler
A new manuscript by graduate student Tony Maue and Professor Devon Burr has been published open access in Icarus, titled Rapid rounding of icy clasts during simulated fluvial transport in the Titan Tumbler. This work was also co-authored by Professor Joe Levy at Colgate University, graduate student Patrick Matulka at Washington University in St. Louis,…
Eleanor Serviss presents at DPS 2021
REU student Eleanor Serviss presented an E-poster on her research this week at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the AAS Division for Planetary Sciences. Eleanor worked with graduate student Tony Maue and Professor Devon Burr in the summer of 2021 as part of NAU’s Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) in Astronomy & Planetary Science program….
Natalie Jones awarded FINESST!
PhD student Natalie Jones has been awarded a Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST) grant to the tune of $135,000 over the next three years. Her project is titled “Quantifying physical biosignatures: estimating the effect of EPS on fluvial sediment transport processes”. In short, the proposed work combines experimental fluvial…
Natalie Jones aims to understand water sources in the Grand Canyon
Two recent articles describe PhD student Natalie Jones’s important work as a research technician with Abe Springer before joining the Planetary Geomorphology research group at NAU. NAU Aspirations: “Boundless connections: At Northern Arizona University, our faculty and students look for answers to some of our most compelling environmental challenges—together.” NAU News: “NAU grad student looking…